Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Favourite Marketing Campaigns! - Imagine the possibilities!

Haha, in response to Kar Meng's post on Whopper's great advertising, i decided to do another post (i cldn't reply directly cos i wanted to add in pics and vids :P) showing my favourite advertisements (for now!), which mostly adhere to being ethical! haha..

This is one of the most interesting adverts that i've come across, and it was a HUGE success! Imagine - we've completely forgotten about the importance of a glass of water, and all it took was a little african boy running across all the primetime German news channels for 3 million dollars to be donated (in 6 days!) for drinkable water!

Haha, you got to watch this one.. It's funny, and made it reach on youtube (and even ended up in my marketing class) when it was launched 2 years back! Unforgettable ad (that has nothing to do with the product!). Which is a thought - rather than static ads hosted on your app, what about video ads, which actually can have a much greater impact?

And now for Adidas! Here's how Adidas managed to cut through to the Japanese population, in Tokyo - one of the busiest streets ever!

Okay i really wanted to embed the next video into this post, but i couldn't! And there were no good youtube videos on it either :S So i'll have to post a link! This one's about Oprah giving away 276 BRAND NEW CARS to her audience! This expensive stint provoked many to gain interest in the car (a Pontiac) , and created lots of buzz on the product. However, it's interesting to note that while it generated lots of buzz, it failed to generate lots of bucks. Moral of the story? You don't just need a good marketing strategy, you also need a good app! :P

I wanted to talk about stealth marketing, but i can't find interesting enough videos that might make it more exciting for u guys.. will post it up if i find it! :D

that's all for now!



  1. The Carlton Draught Ad is darrrrn funny!!! Best laugh I'd had in a while.


  2. :D:D:D yah!! when i first saw that ad, i BURST out laughing! Good one eh? haha..

  3. The first one was so brilliant... I so love ads, and love to see those creative ideas.

    And I don't want to talk about the 2nd one. I just managed to stop laughing :P

  4. Thanks for posting the vids! They're a real eye-opener!

    The addidas ad reminded me of the shock of discovering how cool Macdonald's is marketed there..

    Check out these Japanese Macdonald ad:


    and the compilation - a so very japanese looking macdonald guy.. ^_^ http://youtube.com/watch?v=JdRUR0Yg6zc&feature=related

    Damn man, if Macs were so cool in SG, I'll go eat there more often!

  5. WOAH!! Way nice mannie!!! we should set up a bloggggg on inspirational stuff for everyone to post on! Imagine, a collection of inspirational goods! haha..

  6. wow i didnt macdonald "clowns" could look so hot!

    "Damn man, if Macs were so cool in SG, I'll go eat there more often!"
    HA WEI MAN YOU SURE? there's meat in the burgers you know!

    i loved the carlton ad though..i've always had a thing for those kind of music.. very lord of the ringish

  7. hahahahahahaha!! she's pseudo vegetarian lah!!! not really really one :P and yes! when i first saw the ad i thot it was a LOTR spoof!!
